So who exactly was it that created the idea that December should be so darn busy. :) Okay, okay, I actually love December and most of the going-ons. Needless to say, I haven't done the best job of posting any of the exciting adventures. So, here are some of the fun things happening in and around P-town. (Provo, just in case you didn't know).
Dec 5 - Went to see the Temple Square lights with some of my friends. It was fun!
The temple. And yes, my friend Cheryl really took this picture. (I tried, but remember how bad my camera is....)
A small part of us - Sam, Colby, Alisha, me, Cheryl, and Rob
Some shepherds watching o'er their flocks by night.
The temple again. :)
Dec 6th - A few of the members of my familia came to Utah Valley and we feasted away at Tucano's. After that, we went over to my friend Nancy's house. Her husband works with dinosaurs and he was so kind to deal with all the crazy kids and teach us about dinosaurs and stuff! Thanks Brock and Nancy!!!!
This triceratops at Thanksgiving Point is one that Brock built. Here's Brock with some of the kids.
And what's a stop at Thanksgiving Point without seeing some of Santa's reindeer!
Dec 12th - I was able to get some tickets (once again, thanks Nancy) to the Mo Tab Christmas Concert. It was fantastic! I don't have any pictures, but I will say that it was cool enough that I will buy the dvd when it comes out. Then I can show all of you my favorite stuff from it. :)
Dec 13th - Christmas party at my house. Once again, no pictures. But, (I think) it was a grand time to be had by all. Thanks for all those that brought food and just came.
Dec 16th, and again on the 18th and 19th - Snow began to fall. Really fall. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
Dec 19th - Last day of work before Christmas, and now I get a week off. Wahoo!!!!
I hope everyone else's December is going well. Merry Christmas!!!