Monday, December 1, 2008

The first gift of Christmas

Do you know what the first gift of Christmas was? Well, if any of you have ever read the book The Christmas Box, you might know what I'm talking about. I read that book this weekend, and that was one of the main points, I felt anyway, that the book was making. The first gift of Christmas was the gift of the Savior coming to the world. What a precious gift from a loving Father. And that's really what it comes down to - a gift of our Heavenly Father's love. The book goes on to make the point that a parent's love is one of the greatest gifts that can be given. And by love, it really means time.
This has caused me to think on this point a bit. Obviously, I'm not a parent. But I have many important people in my life. Do they understand how much I care? Do I make it clear that they are important to me? Do I make spending time with the people I care about a priority in my life? Or do I put it off, thinking that I'll do that tomorrow? Actions definitely speak louder than words. I know that I feel that in reverse. If people put forth an effort to spend time with me, even if it's just a few minutes here and there, I feel that they care.
So that's one thing I'm going to work on - making the relationships in my life a priority.

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