Saturday, December 1, 2007

Winter Wonderland

This morning, I woke up, and everything was covered with snow! Yeah!!!! Our first real snow of the year. So, of course, I had to go out and play in it a bit. :)

And some of the ducks on campus might have forgotten to fly south for the winter....


Emily said...

Nice snowman! In fact, I love all your pictures. I'm kind of jealous. Instead of snow, here in Omaha today we had an ice storm. Everything is covered about two inches deep in ice. Not bad if you want to go ice skating over the ground, but completely awful for going anywhere in a vehicle!

JR and Brynn said...

Sheri, you are so freakin fun! I love it.

Tiffany DeWitt said...

Sheri--love the photography of the snow. No matter what anyone says about snow, it really is pretty.

Kelsey Dollar said...

I found your blog on Bonnie's, I love it! It is so great to see what you're up to! The pictures of the snow are amazing, we don't have much pretty white snow left in our yard, the boys have tromped through it all. Check out my blog at


Launi said...

you wouldn't fly south either if you got fed bread and other miscellaneous snacks about 26 times a day. (i live a block from the pond, and one needs to feel sorry for those ducks). :) beautiful pictures, sheri! i'm glad you had a good time in the snow!

JR and Brynn said...

Sheri, we need to get a picture of you with Haley because she loves you. We need to blog it. I blog everything! So...Guitar Hero, my place, during the break? What dya say?

Jenny said...

No, no, no...Guitar Hero in RICHFIELD with us!!!

Sheri said...

Hey. I can do guitar hero in two different places. I believe in not discriminating. :)