Saturday, February 16, 2008

Book Tag

I was tagged by Jenny, and here's what you do.
Pick up the nearest book (one with at least 123 pages)
Open to page 123
Find the 5th sentence
Post the next 3 sentences
Tag 5 people (or as many as you'd like)

The book nearest to me right now is "Why Marriages Succeed or Fail: and how you can make yours last" by John Gottman, PhD. Just to clarify, I'm reading it for my marriage and family therapy class. :)

Okay, nevermind, I'm changing books. Page 123 of this book is simply a questionnaire/self-test about whether or not you can work things out. So, what's the next closest one. Hmmm... that one is for my human sexuality class. I'll skip that one too. :)

Okay, I'm ready now! "God Wants a Powerful People" by Sheri Dew. (Pretty much she's awesome.)

"After reading the familiar passage in James, Joseph realized he must "either remain in darkness and confusion, or else . . . do as James directs, that is, ask of God" (JS-H 1:13), which he did, with life-changing, even dispensation-inaugurating results. There would be subsequent times when he would experience anew the impact of contention. David Whitmer reported a familiar episode that took place while Joseph was in Fayette translating the Book of Mormon."
Ohhhh, and now you're left hanging. :)

I tag: Brynn, Holly, Tiffany, Emily, and Megan


Jenny said...


We love you!

JR and Brynn said...

Fun tag. I am totally going to do it. Oh my goodness, I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday!!