Saturday, October 4, 2008


Wikipedia defines hope as "a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering or perseverance - i.e., beliving that a better or positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary."

Okay, yes, I know it's Wikipedia, but I like what it says. Today and tomorrow are General Conference, and what a great opportunity to listen to what the Lord has to tell us through the prophets and apostles that He has called.

In the two sessions today, there is a theme that really stuck out to me. That is of faith and hope. President Uchtdorf stated that we need to make hope a more active part of our lives.

I've noticed lately that sometimes I struggle with that. In my line of work, I see a lot of the worst that society has to offer. I see many people that have lost hope because of their own decisions or decisions of others that have caused them to suffer. I have to admit that sometimes I feel despair and wonder about humanity and just think that the bad is starting to overtake everything. But there were so many things today that spoke to my heart and reassured me that there is a reason to hope. And also of how aware the Lord is of us and always with us. I love when Elder Holland said that the latter-days are not a time to fear and tremble. It is a time to be believing. And in order to have that faith and be believing, I have to do what Elder Andersen said, that "Faith is not just a feeling. It is a decision." Elder Holland also said to take heart and be filled with faith. The Lord has said that he will fight our battles. What a great re-assurance that I'm not in this fight alone. None of us are. Satan is not going to triumph. And why? Because of the greatest hope of all. "The hope that transcends the trivial. The hope of Israel."

My greatest hope is in Jesus Christ. The hope that things are all going to work out okay. The hope that people can change and heal. The abiding trust that God will fulfill his promises to us. As Elder Uchtdorf said, "Hope teaches us there is a reason to rejoice, even when all seems dark around us." And that's how I feel right now. The world has been seeming like a very dark place. But I've been reminded of The Light that chases away all darkness. And that hope and that knowledge is enough.

"...I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." (D&C 84:88)


Jenny said...

Thanks for this post. I loved the message of hope that this conference taught. I loved every single talk!

You can express your thought on this so eloquently. I love it. You seriously need to write a book. Hint, hint...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! I loved the feelings of hope and love in General Conference. What an amazing weekend! And also I love the pumpkin did you get it? I love it :)

audri jo said...

This was a beautiful post...I loved it. General Conference was absolutely wonderful and I'm grateful for the hope I feel after listening to General Conference.

That last scripture "I will go before your face" reminded me of This Is My Word. So I'm incorporating your other post with this and I totally agree that more singing needs to be happening. I say we form our own choir!

And speaking of choir...did you find Jen? They did a close up of just her at the end of the 2nd session Sunday, it was awesome! But it makes me jealous at the same time.

And speaking of Jen...YES YES YES I agree that we all need to get together. We keep talking about it but it never happens :( Jen & Shay are the hardest to get there, Jen's so busy and Shay's in Logan. SO, I will call Shay and see when she's going to be in town and we'll go from there.

Sorry for the novel :( and thanks for the tag :)

Line said...

Wow, you are such a good writer. Thank you for that, it was so uplifting. I haven't been as hopeful and faithful as I should be lately. I keep worrying and feeling like I need to buy a million lbs of food storage. While I know it's important to be prepared, I also know that I need to have more faith and hope. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

And I can totally relate to feeling despaired when working with clients. Hang in there!